I have good (but random) news. I don't actually need to get above an E in Computing A2! Joy of joys! Goodbye coursework. I did a check and my projected UCAS points look like:
- A2 Business - A - 120
- A2 Music Tech - C - 80 (likely to be higher)
- A2 Computing - E - 40
- AS Psychology - B - 50
- Organ Grd 8 - 75
- Drums Grd 6 - 40
Total: 405
Well, I'm sorted!
On another random subject, I've started work on the new JPW Media "feel" - the general look that the main site, and all of the stationery will have. Here's the new coming soon page...

It should be online sometime this week. Very minimalistic, but I like it. Although saying that, it's more than likely to change before it gets anywhere near the www - after all, it was only 30 mins work in Fireworks! (I really really do not like Fireworks, hopefully Adobe will phase it out with the new Photoshop launch).
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