Wednesday 28 March 2007

Late Night

Well, I've come to the end of yet another late night work session. I feel I've been quite productive with the new website - I'm well on the way to a credible design for the main site now... should be good.

Anyway, today was a pretty dull day to be honest, not much really happened. Oh, I heard the first few ideas of Chris's composition in music tech - it's going to be good... very different ... but good. Looking forward to Sunday now - should be meeting up and (hopefully) sorting out the multi-track recording of Goddess on a Highway.

Anyone who knows me will know that I hate working in silence - I always have to have something in the background, music is alright - but a film/tv show is perfect. For that reason, I've got my hands on seasons 1 to 5 of "Alias" and I have to say, it's quite good. It will no doubt join "Lost", "The Apprentice (US)" and "Prison Break" as regular viewing material.

Someone asked me today what my most used software is... so here's a basic overview...
  • OS: Windows XP/Media Center
  • Programming/Coding: Notepad++ (like the usual notepad, but with syntax highlighting)
  • Graphics: Photoshop CS2 (Fireworks 8 if I have no other choice - like at College)
  • FTP: WS_FTP Professional
  • MySQL Management: PhpMyAdmin if I'm developing, and EMS SQL Manager 2005 if I'm just doing data entry.

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